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- From: mje@pookie.pass.wayne.edu (Michael Edelman)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: SaucerZealotLogic ( was Re: Skeptics stay away from Hill's UFO Book)
- Followup-To: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Date: 7 Jun 1996 20:06:40 GMT
- Organization: Wayne State University
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <4pa24g$4og@cwis-20.wayne.edu>
- References: <4o05qc$itl@pentagon.io.com> <31b3ba36.736544@news.primenet.com> <31B3F1A6.3816@students.wisc.edu> <31B470DF.4A83@fc.hp.com> <4p9p8e$9or@pentagon.io.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pookie.pass.wayne.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:85817 alt.paranet.ufo:52047 alt.alien.research:24949 sci.skeptic:68762
- Bill Peterson (billp@io.com) wrote:
- : >
- : >Say, Brian, what do you think the chance would be of recovering intact
- : >bodies from a crash or explosion of sufficient energy that "indestructible"
- : >materials were ripped to shreds?
- : >
- : This is easily explained. The object was in low performance mode, just
- : hovering or moving slowly at low altitude. It was having "engine" trouble.
- : The "engine" or part of it blew up, and scattered little bits all over.
- : However, the majority of the craft, and the occupants,fell about
- : 20 feet into the desert, sustaining burns and fractures.
- A power source capable of sending a craft across the universe at near
- light speed explodes, and doesn't vaporize a small town?
- And a craft capable of that journey can't take a small explosion?
- No fail-safe backups for interplanetary craft...?
- Yes, I know. The reason is that the plasmahooey turgidometer
- feenly flanges were configured to obviate the magnetoburger
- frammistan field, propelling the johnson rod into the muffler bearings
- and cracking the A-frame. Obviously.
- Either way, looks like she'll have to be towed to the shop. I'd
- say about $450 labor, plus parts, and you know what UPS service
- from Betelgeuse is like these days...
- --mike